Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The First Step in Buddhism & Recovery Is Letting Go by Kevin Griffin

Kevin Griffin has a nice article on the First Step in the now AOL-owned Huffington Post here. (Be sure you check out all of the comments on his article at the bottom!)

Here's a brief excerpt of his article:

The Buddha starts his teaching with the recognition of all the ways that life is challenging, physically and mentally: that we're often stuck with what we don't want or wishing we had something else; that we inevitably get old and sick and die. Just like Step One, he's trying to get us to see past the surface to what's really going on. The starting point of both paths, then, is to see the truth: in 12 Step terms, to come out of denial; in Buddhist terms, to shed delusion. To begin on any spiritual path, and to deal with the destructive power of addiction, we have to be honest with ourselves. 

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